4 Easy Ways To Have Better Driver Recruitment Landing Pages


First impressions make a big impact in all aspects of life. It doesn’t take a genius to pick up on that, but if you are in the business of recruiting truck drivers, it’s incredibly important to put your best foot forward. Particularly driver recruitment advertising in the digital sense, your landing pages need to give potential drivers an awesome first impression.


Top Driver Recruiting Metrics You Should Be Tracking


With all of the moving parts involved in truck driver recruiting, it can be a little overwhelming come time to sit down and review your tracking and ad campaign metrics. From web traffic to phone calls to conversions… there are a lot of numbers to analyze. But which metrics are the most important for driver recruiters? How can you save time and money and focus on the analytics that matter to your goals and budget? Let’s talk about it!


3 Ways To Improve Your Driver Referral Program


What’s more valuable to prospects in choosing who to drive for: an ad they found in the newspaper, or a friend’s recommendation to a particular company? We think you know the answer! Yes, word-of-mouth continues to be one of the most effective ways to find truck drivers.

With the current driver shortage, many trucking companies are raising pay and using a strong mix of recruitment advertising to attract candidates, as they should. At the end of the day, it’s important to keep in mind the most trusted source of advertising: referrals. Therefore, you need an awesome driver referral program!


PPC Campaigns To Recruit Drivers: 5 Things You Should Know

pay per click recruit drivers

The truck driver shortage in itself is a challenge. Add the apprehension of competing with trucking companies to be #1 in search engine results — that’s a whole nother difficulty that requires a solid recruitment advertising strategy.

Search engines are really important to focus on if you’re trying to hire truck drivers. This is one of the top places people go when they’re in job-seeking mode and ready to apply. If you haven’t already, consider pay-per-click to recruit drivers, an effective paid advertising tool to prominently feature your company and bring prospects to your site.

Let’s talk about a few elements you should know when launching your PPC campaigns to recruit drivers.
