Archive for the ‘Driver Recruiting’ Category

Best Ways to Recruit Truck Drivers at Events


Most of the year, we are used to recruiting truck drivers through digital platforms. Whether it’s using a pay-per-click campaign to send traffic to your landing page, or posting truck driving positions to job sites, these advertising strategies are meant to find qualified drivers from across the board.

But what about those annual truck shows where you can chat with prospects? How do you best recruit drivers in this face-to-face environment?


Ways To Target Truck Drivers with Digital Recruitment Campaigns


If you’re in the field of driver recruiting, you may feel overwhelmed with choosing which platforms are best for targeting drivers. We have a few suggested approaches as to which channels are popular and growing among the trucking audience, particularly on the digital side.

No, print is not dead by any means–it’s just a fact that the country has gone online for just about everything. This most definitely includes driver jobs. To get your message in front of your audience, consider these valuable ways to target truck drivers with digital recruitment campaigns. 


Why You Should Use Job Boards to Recruit and Hire Truck Drivers


If you follow our blog, you’ll come across some of the best ways to recruit truck drivers through various advertising techniques. We discussed topics from telling a story to capture your audience, to the importance of trucking graphic design.

Topics like these cover powerful tactics, but what about the bread and butter? What about communicating exactly what you’re offering to drivers? In order to share the details candidates want, consider focusing on truck driver recruitment advertising with job boards.


How Great Graphic Design Recruits Drivers More Than You Think


When is the last time you sat down and asked a kid what they could do to help you advertise and recruit truck drivers? Okay — so you probably haven’t asked a child for advice on increasing your success with truck driver recruitment, however we wouldn’t be surprised if they gave you pretty good advice- maybe painting a T-Rex on your trucks isn’t the best way to recruit drivers, but kids can teach us a lot about advertising and how a branded theme catches the eye. Consider graphic design.
