How Great Graphic Design Recruits Drivers More Than You Think


When is the last time you sat down and asked a kid what they could do to help you advertise and recruit truck drivers? Okay — so you probably haven’t asked a child for advice on increasing your success with truck driver recruitment, however we wouldn’t be surprised if they gave you pretty good advice- maybe painting a T-Rex on your trucks isn’t the best way to recruit drivers, but kids can teach us a lot about advertising and how a branded theme catches the eye. Consider graphic design.

If you’ve ever read a children’s book, you probably noticed it wasn’t too heavy on illuminating language, metaphor, and hard data. It was more likely filled with eye-catching illustrations and colors. And let’s be honest, this makes reading a children’s book a little more exciting than those large book with tiny words.

So what does this have to do with recruiting drivers? Well, all of this goes to say that graphic design should be a key element of your advertising efforts. Graphic design is defined as the “methodology of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of type, space, and image.” For those of us in the trucking industry, it’s a way to catch the attention of potential truck drivers and make a lasting, positive impression.

Effective visual design isn’t child’s play. Communicating your message visually is far more effective than relying upon text in today’s fast-moving environment. When prospective drivers start to navigate the web or print media in search of a new or better driving job, eye-catching images that communicate your company’s policy can mean the difference between a long-term hire and another missed opportunity.


Creative logos and bold images make for a memorable branding theme. Take for instance the hidden logo design for FedEx. Notice how the negative space between the “e” and “x” makes an arrow? Now that’s pretty compelling! Sure you read the name, but subconsciously your mind sees this arrow suggesting speed and movement. Leveraging innovative graphic design in the trucking industry is a powerful way to advertise your company and recruit drivers.

So keep this in mind next time you’re working on a recruitment digital or print advertising campaign: colorful, bold, interesting and eyepopping visuals almost ALWAYS perform better than text. Make a statement and inspire driver prospects to think of YOU when they’re ready to drive!

At The Hightower Agency, we have an excellent trucking graphic design team ready to help you meet your truck driver recruitment goals! Need design help or want to learn more? Contact us today.

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