Driver Recruitment Advertising: PURL Campaigns


In order to recruit truck drivers–and recruit them well–an integrated campaign that uses multiple channels is the best way to cast a wider net and generate more qualified apps. While you may have a target audience, each prospective driver has their own persona. Some may look for jobs on social media, while others read the newspaper.

Driver recruitment advertising comes in all shapes and sizes. Direct mail and email are both popular and successful today – and for good reason. PURL campaigns effectively blend these two areas, and today we’re going over this closely coordinated offline-online form of advertising.


Recruiting Truck Drivers: 3 Steps For Better Response

When it comes to recruiting truck drivers, lead generation should be a big focus. And to generate driver leads, direct response advertising is a must.

Direct response advertising is designed to evoke an immediate response and compel drivers to take a specific action on your site. It requires a strong call-to-action and encourages potential drivers to respond to your offer. By capturing responses, you’re able to improve lead generation and new hires. Let’s talk about it!



SEO Best Practices | Truck Driver Recruitment


If you hear the term “SEO” and immediately think this concept is over your head, you really shouldn’t! While there are many advanced ways to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in truck driver recruitment, we are going to give you a couple of short, straightforward tips that you can easily understand and apply.

To successfully recruit truck drivers, SEO must be a heavy component in your recruitment advertising strategy. Let’s talk about it.


The Lowdown on Google’s New Mobile-Friendly Algorithm

Did you hear? Google recently announced a change in their mobile-friendly algorithm that signals a big shift in the way the search results work. For those in the business of recruiting truck drivers, Google’s planned update is extremely important.

So what did Google have to say? Well, the company announced that it will change their algorithm that controls websites’ SEO-based rankings on mobile devices. In English, they’re planning to adjust their software in a way that will affect where your website ranks when driver prospects search for things like “truck driving jobs” on their mobile device.

Recruiting truck drivers? Listen up!
