Archive for the ‘Driver Recruiting’ Category

Job Boards and Job Aggregator Sites to Recruit Truck Drivers


The need for qualified truck drivers makes it important for you to reach out to potential drivers in as many ways as you can. One of the most important ways to reach potential drivers is through job search web sites. More than any other medium, people seeking truck driving positions look to the Internet and, specifically, to driver job boards and job websites to find potential positions. Searching online is fast, convenient and easy to use for drivers looking for the best match for their skills and personal requirements.


5 Steps to Create Effective Call-to-Actions When Recruiting Drivers

In a fast-moving world with bundles of information hurled at drivers in every direction, your trucking company needs a clear incentive to catch your audiences’ attention, especially online. There are millions of sites and so much information that potential drivers are on everyday, so your company needs to showcase something special. If you’re recruiting truck drivers as a business, it takes talent to draw your website visitors in. But there’s a way to do it, and we’re going to tell you!


Advertising for Trucking: Why You Need a Mix of Strategies

Recruiting qualified drivers is a challenge for many trucking companies. Unfortunately, industry experts and analysts theorize that the recruiting struggle isn’t going to turn around in 2015. This means that your recruitment advertising strategy and efforts to find drivers needs to be extensive and effective. To successfully fill those trucks, you can no longer stick to a single method of outreach.



Recruit Truck Drivers Through Print Advertising


There is a great deal of competition in the pursuit of recruiting qualified truck drivers. Many companies have begun using trucking blogs and social media sites to help motivate prospective drivers to consider driving for their company. Trucking companies must consider a variety of ways to reach the maximum number of potential recruits. While it is important to continue using the electronic medium to reach your audience, it is equally important to consider the use of print advertising.
