Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Are You Using Search Engine Marketing to Recruit Truck Drivers?

A recent article by the Wall Street Journal highlighted the incredible growth in the importance of Internet advertising in reaching new hires, especially for those in the trucking industry. 

According to the data, conducted a survey of common search terms used on their site. These are what job seekers – the people you are trying to reach – are looking for when trying to find a new career. Guess what made the top of the list? “CDL Truck Driver” was the number one search term in annual growth. Compared to January of 2014, the term grew by 83%. This means a lot more people are considering a career in truck driving!


Driver Turnover High: How to Recruit and Retain Drivers

If you’re in the business of recruiting truck drivers, you’ll want to check this out…

According to data from American Trucking Associations, the turnover at large truckload fleets fell one percentage point to an annualized rate of 96% in the fourth quarter of 2014.  ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello says, “Driver turnover, which is a good barometer of the driver market, remains high.”

Not to stress you out, but because the driver market remains tight, the pressure is on to recruit drivers! Drivers are keen to move about as new jobs and companies make better offers, and this high turnover rate for truckload carriers means finding more effective ways to recruit and retain drivers.


How to Make a Winning First Impression In Your Driver Recruitment

Have you ever been on a date? We hope so. If not, you’ve surely been to a new restaurant or met a new person at some point in your life. Since it’s safe to say you’ve done one of these things before, we’re confident you know the value of a first impression. They’re important all across the board: from meeting someone new to truck driver recruitment.

If you want to meet your truck driver recruitment goals this year, you’d do well to make sure the first one is a good one!

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5 Tips to Reach Your Driver Recruiting Goals Before 2015

Yes, you still have time!

If you’re stressing out that it’s December and you haven’t hit your recruiting goals for the year, there’s still time to give your advertising efforts a push and hire your top driver candidates. Take a look at these helpful tips to accomplish your objectives before the new year is here. (more…)