How to Use Video In Your Driver Recruiting Strategy



The value of video is incredible in today’s digital world. Video is the big trend. It gets results. Basically, it’s the future.

People want to watch video on social media, and they’re doing it in record numbers. By 2019, video will make up as much as 85% of all Internet traffic in the U.S. That’s an impressive stat! So how can you take advantage of this trend and convert video viewers into driver hires?

Here are a few tips to making the most out of video in your truck driver recruiting efforts.

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is an essential step that many brands forget about. Targeting and personalizing your recruiting messages has major benefits to engaging the right people at the right time. Have you asked yourself: What are their interests? What networks are they active on? Who influences them? These are the things you should understand when creating your video approach.

With that, there’s also the hiring funnel. How do truck driver prospects get from brand awareness to filling out an app? At the end of the day, this is what you really need. Implementing targeted video campaigns that engage your audience allows you to build candidate relationships. From that, you can monetize on video views and push leads through the funnel. That’s why it’s important to understand who your people are.

Identify Pain Points They Care About

While you may think the only way to recruit truck drivers is to talk about your company, sorry guys – it’s not. To be successful in your video strategy, your content should empower your audience and help solve their problems. Here’s what we mean.

It’s safe to say there are experienced truck drivers out there who are unhappy with their current job path. Maybe it’s pay. Maybe it’s home time. Maybe it’s poor communication with their dispatcher. These are pain points that they care about.

From this, you can create videos that generate an emotional response. For example, interview a current driver who’s consistently leaving great feedback and willing to express how pleased they are with pay, home time, etc. Ask them questions in a casual interview and let them tell a positive story FOR YOU. 

Think About What They Want to See

You want your video messages to be a recruitment tool. As we mentioned above, a strong way to do that is by creating an emotional response through the words of your company and the people within it. Here are a few ideas to provide value:

Find Relevant Topics – Find topics that are being talked about in the industry. With trucking news and technology always popping up, take the opportunity to leverage that. Do you know a thought leader who can provide their news opinion? Are you installing new technology in company equipment? Record it. Tell people through video.

Repurpose Old Content – Do you have some type of content that did crazy well in the past? Why did it do crazy well? Probably because it engaged and provided value. Make a video from it! That’s a great way to bring it back to life with a fresh, interesting twist. If people liked it before, they’re sure to like it now in video form.

Live Stream – Is your company participating in a community event? Are you awarding a Million Miler or celebrating a co-worker in the office? Take advantage of the new Facebook LiveGive your followers an inside look as to what you’re up to by taking out your phone, going behind-the-scenes, and live streaming it. You will be rewarded.

Follow These Actionable Tips

Brevity – When it comes to video viewers, give it to them quickly and catch their attention. You don’t have a lot of time to draw them in, so try to engage people up front and be to the point. This is especially true for Facebook’s autoplay feature.

Embrace the Rough Cut – People want the authenticity. Social media has opened up this idea of consumers interacting one-on-one with companies. It’s formed into a place where they can communicate with brands like a real person. Embrace that! If your video doesn’t look absolutely perfect and polished, that’s okay. People like real.

Keep Consistency and Branding in Mind – As you start to grow your video presence, you want followers to quickly identify your brand and know that it’s your video they’re about to watch. From logos to background music, there are numerous ways to put branding and consistency in every video.

You Have Your Video, Now What? Promote, Promote, Promote!

If video marketing is king, then promotion is queen. You must put your videos out into the world in order for people to view and share them. Here are a few promotional strategies:

Put Some Budget Behind Them – A couple of ad dollars can go a long way in terms of views and engagement, particularly on Facebook. It doesn’t require a lot either. If you’re smart about targeting and promoting each video with a little bit of budget, you can reach thousands of people.

Put It on YouTube and Optimize for SEO – YouTube is great for SEO. It’s owned by Google and has some proprietary algorithm that ties in with Google. (In fact, you can’t find Facebook videos through a search engine; they aren’t indexed in the same way.) So put your videos on YouTube and optimize them with tags and keywords.

Embed Your Videos In Other Places – YouTube videos can be embedded on any site. Publish your videos and embed them on your recruiting website, email campaigns, and other social media networks. It’s a free, quick way to continuously drive traffic, views, and ultimately conversions.

That’s a Wrap!

Video is valuable, and all you really need to do is turn on the camera and start recording to make an impression. Tell a story, share your brand, and start to build personal interactions with drivers.


If you’re looking to enhance your driver recruitment advertising, get in touch with The Hightower Agency. With over 25 years in the industry, The Hightower Agency offers a variety of affordable recruitment advertising solutions.

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