Archive for the ‘Driver Recruiting’ Category

How to Target Online Banners in Driver Recruitment Advertising


Well-positioned online banners help companies find and reach the most desirable audience. Make no mistake, ad targeting is a difficult job. It’s not as simple as putting a billboard online and expecting users to click on a banner. But online banners continue to grow because they work. 


Website Development for Trucking Companies

Giving your website a face-lift can have a major impact on recruiting drivers. Updating content frequently can actually attract higher quality drivers and increase your visibility on the web. If your site is stuck in the 90’s then you might want to press the refresh button!

When you look at your website does it correctly portray your brand, service offerings, and available driver opportunities? Is it mobile compatible? Is it easy for a driver to navigate and apply? If it looks stale to you what is it saying to a potential driver? You may need to consider a website face-lift. 

website-design (more…)

What’s Next

With the Mid America Truck Show behind us, what’s next on your recruiting agenda?

matsBefore you step forward too fast, take time to follow up with the people you met in Louisville. A simple letter telling them how much you appreciated their time for stopping by your booth can pay huge dividends. And don’t stop with just one follow up. Monthly notes to keep each MATS attendee informed will continue to keep your name in front of them. As the dust settles weeks and even months after the largest of all truck shows, this is very important.

The consensus of truck show attendees this year is that business has improved and good applicants are very difficult to find. Let’s face it, the recruiting environment was easier during the economic slowdown. Fewer job opportunities made it a carrier’s market and recruiters could be more selective. Leads were at all-time highs even though advertising budgets were slashed. Unfortunately that is no more. We’re all feeling the effects of the tighter recruiting environment. So what are you doing to address this?

Have you devoted any time to staff training? When recruiting was easier two years ago, some bad habits may have developed. Listen in on phone calls. If you work with a service like Call Source, spend time each week listening to recordings of the actual calls. Set up weekly training refreshers, even if they are just 15 minutes long.

Make sure you’re presenting your company in the best way possible. After all, the recruiter IS the company to that applicant.

— Randy Scheel, Director of Sales